Haggadah Shel Peach printed by Dawid ben Refa’el Ḥayyim Bueno, in 1740, with translation into Judeo-Italian with Hebrew characters and the commentary to Ṣeli eš by Leon Modena and illustrations of the seder inserted in woodcut frames.
In the same year, copies of this Haggadah were translated into Yiddish and Judeo-Spanish, with Hebrew characters. No examples of similar editions printed in 1609 by Giovanni Di Gara, in 1629 by Giovanni Calleoni, in 1664 by Lorenzo Pradotto, in 1695 and in 1716 by Alvise Bragadin, survived. In later years, this Haggadah was never printed agan. The edition of 1609 was reproduced in facsimile with commentaty in 2007 by The Studio in Old Jaffa.