Spazi Metrici. An Evening on Amelia Rosselli
02May7:00 pm9:00 pmSpazi Metrici. An Evening on Amelia Rosselli7:00 pm - 9:00 pm(GMT+00:00)
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SPAZI METRICI – An encounter with the life and work of Amelia Rosselli (Paris, 1930- Rome, 1996). The daughter of the Italian anti-fascist leader Carlo Rosselli and the English
Event Details
SPAZI METRICI – An encounter with the life and work of Amelia Rosselli (Paris, 1930- Rome, 1996).
The daughter of the Italian anti-fascist leader Carlo Rosselli and the English Labour Party activist Marion Cave, Amelia spent her childhood in exile from Fascist Italy, in France, England and the United States. She returned to Italy in 1946. Following her studies in musical composition, she emerged as one of the most important poets of her generation, addressing with a bold new approach to verse, the hopes and open wounds of the post-war period.
On the occasion of a new English edition of Amelia Rosselli’s Hospital Series (Serie ospedaliera), New Directions, New York April 2015, translated by Roberta Antognini, Giuseppe Leporace and Deborah Woodard, Centro Primo Levi and New Directions present an evening celebration with books, conversation, and a video homage to Amelia Rosselli.
Amelia Rosselli (Paris, 1930- Rome,1996)
During her lifetime Amelia Rosselli published poetry in Italian English and French, essays, articles, and poetry translations.
Despite not belonging to any school or current, Rosselli enjoyed critical praise starting in 1963 with Pier Paolo Pasolini, was included in many major anthologies of contemporary Italian poetry, and was soon considered one of the preeminent Italian poets of the late twentieth century.
Among the first to attempt a scholarly evaluation of Rosselli’s ouvre was Emmanuela Tandello. Less than a year from Rosselli’s death, she, together with the poet Giovanni Giudici, curated her complete poems published by Garzanti in 1997. Tandello also translated into Italian of Rosselli’s early poems in English, co-curated L’opera poetica ( I Meridiani, Mondadori, 2012) and remains on of Rosselli’s most acute scholars. Since then critical work on Rosselli has proliferated, both in Italy and abroad.
Rosselli’s oeuvre consists of the following collections of poetry :
Variazioni belliche, Milano, Garzanti, 1964.
Serie ospedaliera, Milano, Il Saggiatore, 1969.
Documento (1966-1973), Milano, Garzanti, 1976.
Primi scritti 1952-1963, Milano, Guanda, 1980.
Impromptu, Genova, San Marco dei Giustiniani, 1981.
Appunti sparsi e persi, 1966-1977. Poesie, Reggio Emilia, Aelia Laelia, 1983. (2nd Edition by Edizioni Empiria, Rome, 1997.)
La libellula, Milano, SE, 1985.
Antologia poetica, Giacinto Spagnoletti, editor. Milano, Garzanti, 1987.
Impromptu, bilingual edition curated by A. Rosselli( French traanslation postface by J.-Ch. Vegliante), Paris, Tour de Babel, 1987.
Sonno-Sleep (1953-1966), Roma, Rossi & Spera, 1989.
Sleep. Poesie in inglese, Milano, Garzanti, 1992.
Variazioni belliche, Fondazione Marino Piazzolla, 1995, Plinio Perilli editor preface by Pier Paolo Pasolini.
Le poesie, Milano, Garzanti, 1997
L’opera poetica, a cura di S. Giovannuzzi, con la collaborazione per gli apparati critici di F. Carbognin, C. Carpita, S. De March, G. Palli Baroni, E. Tandello, introduzione di E. Tandello, Milano, Mondadori, 2012 (“I Meridiani”).
The prose volumes:
Prime prose italiane (1954)
Nota (1967-1968)
Diario ottuso. 1954-1968, Roma, IBN, 1990.
The essays:
Una scrittura plurale. Saggi e interventi critici, Novara, Interlinea, 2004.
Neoavanguardia e dintorni, with Edoardo Sanguineti and Elio Pagliarani, Palermo, Palumbo, 2004.
Lettere a Pasolini. 1962-1969, Genova, S. Marco dei Giustiniani, 2008.
È vostra la vita che ho perso. Conversazioni e interviste 1964-1995, Florence, Le Lettere, 2010.
Présentation d’A. Rosselli (La libellule), in Recours au Poème (Paris).
Published translations by Amelia Rosselli:
Emily Dickinson: Tutte le Poesie. Milan, Mondadori, 1997
Evans, Paul. Dialogo tra un poeta e una musa. Rome, Fondazione Piazzolla, 1991.
Plath, Sylvia. In Le muse inquietanti e altre poesie. Milan, Guanda, 1965. 2nd Edition, Milan, Garzanti 1985.
In English translation:
Hospital Series, translated by Roberta Antognini, Giuseppe Leporace and Deborah Woodard, New York, New Directions, 2015.
Impromptu: A Trilingual Edition, translated by Diana Thow, Montreal, Guernica Editions , 2014.
Locomotrix Selected Poetry and Prose of Amelia Rosselli, a Bilingual Edition, edited and translated by Jennifer Scappettone. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 2012.
The Dragonfly: A Selection of Poems: 1953-1981. Translated by Deborah Woodard and Giuseppe Leporace. New York, Chelsea, Editions, 2009.
War Variations: A Bilingual Edition. Translated by Lucia Re and Paul Vangelisti. Los Angeles, Green Integer, 2005
In French translation:
Impromtu. Translated by Jean-Charles Vegliante. Paris, Tour de Babel, 1987
In Japanese translation:
Tatakai no vuarieshon. Translated by Tadahiko Wada. Tokio, Shoshi Yamada, 1993.
In Spanish Translation:
Poesìas. Translated By Alessandra Merlo in collaboration with Juan Pablo Roa and Roberta Raffetto. Montblanc, Tarragona, Igitur, 2004.
Books on Amelia Rosselli:
Baldacci, Alessandro. Amelia Rosselli. Laterza, Rome, 2007. 2nd Ed.2014.
Baldacci, Alessandro. Fra tragico e assurdo: Benn, Beckett e Celan nella poetica di Amelia Rosselli. Edizioni Università Di Cassino, Cassino, 2006.
Barile, Laura. Laura Barile legge Amelia Rosselli. Nottetempo, Rome, 2014.
Bisanti, Tatiana. L’opera plurilingue di Amelia Rosselli. Edizioni ETS, Pisa 2007.
Carbognin, Francesco. Le armoniose dissonanze. “Spazi metrici” e intertestualità nella poesia di Amelia Rosselli. Gedit Edizioni, Bologna, 2008.
De March, Silvia. Amelia Rosselli tra poesia e storia. L’Ancora del Mediterraneo, Naples, 2006.
Fusco, Florinda. Amelia Rosselli. La scrittura e l’interpretazione. Palumbo, Palermo, 2008.
Loreto, Antonio. I santi padri di Amelia Rosselli. “Variazioni belliche” e l’avanguardia. Arcipelago Edizioni, Novara, 2014
La Penna Daniela. La Promessa di un semplice linguaggio: la dinamica delle fonti nell’opera trilingue di Amelia Rosselli. Carocci, Rome, 2009
Limone, Giuseppe and Simone Visciola Eds. I Rosselli: eresia creativa, eredità originale. Guida, Naples, 2005.
Passannanti, Erminia. Sulla Poesia di Amelia Rosselli, Brindin Press, 2012.
Sanelli, Massimo. Il pragma: testi per Amelia Rosselli. Dedalus, Naples, 2000.
Savinio, Stella, and Rosaria Lo Russo. Amelia Rosselli… e l’assillo è rima. In La furia dei venti contrari, A documentary film. Le Lettere Florence, 2007.
Snodgrass, Ann. Knowing Noise: The English Poems of Amelia Rosselli. Studies in Italian Culture: Literature in History. New York, Peter Lang , 2001.
Tandello, Emmanuela. Amelia Rosselli: la fanciulla e l’infinito. Donzelli, Rome, 2007.