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Internee Number 6 By Maria Eisenstein, Curated by Carlo Spartaco Capogreco Afterword by Eric Feingersh Steele Translated by Will Schutt Published when the war was still raging north of Rome, Internee Number 6 is the first memoir of the fascist…

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Fleeing for Safety: From Mantua to Switzerland Edited by Alessandro Vivanti Translated by Will Schutt The book combines two accounts, one picking up where the other leaves off, like the passing of a torch. The son, Corrado Vivanti, opens with…

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Reluctant Jews Translated by Jeremy Moyle Rather than going in search of his Jewish roots, Sandro Gerbi focuses on the reverse process: the gradual secularization of his family during the twentieth century, through the progressive distancing from religious observance, Jewish…

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Efratia Gitai: Correspondence (1929-1994)    Selected & edited by Rivka Gitai Translated by Timothy Aaron Priest Born in 1909 in Haifa to Russian Zionist parents, Efratia Gitai was “the eldest daughter” of the Second Aliyah, the second wave of Jewish…

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Taamrat Emmanuel: An Ethiopian Jewish Intellectual, Between Colonized and Colonizers Translated by Jill Goldsmith Emanuela Trevisan Semi’s book is an insightful biographical study of a key figure among Ethiopian Jews of the early 20th Century. Taamrat  Emmanuel was profoundly fascinated by European…

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Reflections of An Educator, Researcher And Entrepreneur Andrew Viterbi Dedicated to the memory of both his father Achille and his son Alexander, this memoir reconstructs the course of his academic career at a time in which technology played a major…

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Return to Erfurt – Story of a Shattered Childhood: 1935-1945 Olga Tarcali The narrative follows the family’s flight from Germany to Brussels, through the grim French camps in Gurs and Saint–Cyprien, to the Cote D’Azur. After the capture of their…

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Skirmishes on Lake Ladoga – From Venice to Rome escaping the Racial Laws Roberto Bassi “Every morning in the kitchen I used to read – and comment upon – war bulletins for my grandmother. When everything was quiet, it said…

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Americordo – The Italian Jewish Exiles in America Gianna Pontecorboli Pontecorboli's book is a long overdue account of a lesser-known aspect of the Italian anti-Jewish persecution: the exile of Italian Jews to America. Forced to the US by the Fascist…

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