Join us for International Holocaust Remembrance Day and the ceremony of the reading of the names of the Jews deported from Italy and the territories under Italian rule.
January 27 between
Event Details
Join us for International Holocaust Remembrance Day and the ceremony of the reading of the names of the Jews deported from Italy and the territories under Italian rule.
January 27 between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm at the Consulate General of Italy – 690 Park Avenue.
Uttering the names of 9,700 people who were deported to extermination camps is a human and spiritual act to remember those women, children, and men who were emarginated, deemed expendable, and remained unseen and unheard until they could be eliminated. They are not numbers, political or religious symbols. Not heroes, examples, or martyrs. We call their names as human beings.
Io ho visto Auschwitz, ho visto cosa significa uccidere un altro solo perché uno ha le armi e l’altro no. Non voglio che questo sia usato per giustificare la violenza di oggi. Forse Primo Levi aveva perso la speranza. Io vorrei vedere la gente parlare l’uno la lingua dell’altro, la lingua della pace su questo pianeta. Perché questo è l’unico che conosciamo. Stella Levi
I have seen Auschwitz. I have seen what it means to kill another person just because one has weapons and the other does not. I don’t want this to be used to justify today’s violence. I think that Primo Levi had lost hope. I still want to see people speak each other’s language, the language of peace on this planet. Because this is the only one we know. Stella Levi
Immage: Museo Monumento al Deportato, Carpi, drawing by Alberto Longoni, 1973.