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Dante in Public

09Feb(Feb 9)6:00 pm24(Feb 24)6:00 pmDante in Public6:00 pm - 6:00 pm (24)(GMT+00:00) Casa Italiana Zerilli Marimò 24 West 12th Street

Event Details

February 9 at 6:00 pm

Dante and Primo Levi

Join an unexpected literary salon in town where scholar and writer Uri Cohen will take you on a fascinating and unexpected journey. Uri Cohen is an assistant professor at Columbia University specializing in Modern Hebrew Literature and Israeli culture .

He is the author of Survival: Senses of Death between the world wars in Italy and Palestine as well as a novel and a documentary film on Polish Israeli author Ida Fink”.

He has published an variety of topics that range from the prose of Primo Levi to the use of animals in Zionist discourse. Recently he has edited and introduced the translation of Aganben’s Remnants of Auschwitz into Hebrew.

February 24 at 6 pm

Moni Ovadia reads Inferno, C. XXVI. 

In Italian with English supertitles. Moni Ovadia is one of the most popular personalities of arts and culture in Italy. Ovadia’s skills as actor and musician, created  a form of “musical theatre” which is the main vehicle for his artistic expression. He is also known as an outspoken social critic and human rights activist.

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