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Exhibition: 1938-1945 The Persecution of Jews in Italy A Documentary History

25Jan(Jan 25)1:30 pm15Feb(Feb 15)6:00 pmExhibition: 1938-1945 The Persecution of Jews in Italy A Documentary History(January 25) 1:30 pm - (February 15) 6:00 pm(GMT+00:00) MemoriaMemoria

Event Details

Scuola d’Italia Guglielmo Marconi, 12 E 96th Street

1938-1945 The Persecution of Jews in Italy A Documentary History

A traveling Exhibition by the Center for Contemporary Jewish Documentation in Milan.

January 25-February 6

The exhibition is designed for students and teachers and can be visited by appointment. For additional information contact the Scuola d’Italia at (212) 452-4813.

The economic situation of the Jews in Italy is becoming more and more precarious. […] As the anti-Jewish provisions prohibit Italian Jews from having any part in industrial enterprises, […] In fact, these enterprises are being expropriated at a price set by government experts in return for governments bonds, which are not redeemable.  In a number of cities Jews are compelled to mover their shops […], opening new businesses is prohibited […], thousands of Jewish employees have lost their employment, […] all Jewish army and navy officers are dismissed […], some of them have reacted by committing suicide. […] Having their property confiscated, they are left with no choice other than to emigrate […] According to the latest figures, 3,700 Jews were baptized during the last 6 months  […]. 1939 Memorandum, Joint Distribution Committee Memorandum.


The exhibit details the attack on Jewish equality and rights carried out by the Fascist regime under the Kingdom of Italy between 1938 and 1943, as well as the assault on Jewish lives carried out by the Fascist government of the Italian Social Republic (Repubblica Sociale Italiana) and their Nazi allies in the period September 1943 – April 1945.

The exhibition is divided into four sections: (1) overview and contextualization; (2) the persecution of rights: 1938-1943; (3) the persecution of lives: 1943-1945; (4) return to life: 1945-1946.

Sponsored by the Monti dei Paschi di Siena and UCEI.

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