
Italian Jewry in the Early Modern Era

Italian Jewry in the Early Modern Era: Essays in Intellectual History     Research does not always proceed according to a predetermined plan. In some cases, the opposite is true:…

Gentile on Kertzer

Some Observations on Catholicism, Fascism and Totalitarianism During the Papacy of Pius XI. On David L. Kertzer’s The Pope and Mussolini: The Secret History of Pius XI and the Rise…

The Jews of Italy 1848–1915

Elizabeth Schächter, The Jews of Italy 1848–1915 Between Tradition and Transformation,  Vallentine Mitchell, 2011   Much has been written about the Jews during the Fascist regime, but the period from…

Love and the Idea of Europe

        Luisa Passerini, Love and the Idea of Europe, translated by Juliet Haydock with Allan Cameron, New York: Berghahn Books, 2009   Review (Jan Georg Soeffner) When…

The Jews of Libya

Maurice Roumani, The Jews of Libya: Coexistence, Persecution, Resettlement, Sussex Academic Press, 2008 This book investigates the transformative period in the history of the Jews of Libya (1938–52), a period…

The Pope and Mussolini

David Kertzer, The Pope and Mussolini: The Secret History of Pius XI and the Rise of Fascism in Europe, Random House, 2014 Review from The Guardian: David Kertzer’s nuanced book investigates…

“The Tragic Couple”

        James Bernauer and Robert A. Maryks, “The Tragic Couple”  Encounters Between Jews and Jesuit, Brill 2013 The Society of Jesus (Jesuits) has become a leader in…

Père Marie-Benoît

Susan Zuccotti, Père Marie-Benoît and Jewish Rescue How a French Priest Together with Jewish Friends Saved Thousands during the Holocaust, Indiana University Press, 2003 Susan Zuccotti narrates the life and…

Salamone Rossi

        Don Harrán, Salamone Rossi: Jewish Musician in Late Renaissance Mantua, Oxford Monographs on Music,  2003 Salamone Rossi (c.1570-c.1628) occupies a unique place in Renaissance music culture:…

Natalia Ginzburg’s Complete Plays

        Natalia Ginzburg, Wendell Ricketts, The Wrong Door: The Complete Plays of Natalia Ginzburg, Indiana University Press, 2013 The Wrong Door is the first English-language translation of…