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Memorie Ebraiche

A multimedia Archive of the Jewish Community of Rome Memorie Ebraiche is an internet portal documenting the history of Roman Jewry since the liberation of the city in 1944. Through…

Gentile on Kertzer

Some Observations on Catholicism, Fascism and Totalitarianism During the Papacy of Pius XI. On David L. Kertzer’s The Pope and Mussolini: The Secret History of Pius XI and the Rise…

The Invention of the Jewish Community in Italy

Publication event: The registries of three Italian Jewish communities May 12, 2014   Hevrat yehudè Italia lif’eulà ruhanit, Rehov Hillel 25, Jerusalem Y. Yudlov, Il Registro della comunità di Casale Monferrato,…

April 25

It took a war for everyone to understand what the regime represented, a regime highly skilled in cultivating consensus. Though it seemed like a harmless dictatorship, it wasn’t in the least.

A Jewish Family in Pisa

        I Supino. Una dinastia di ebrei pisani fra mercatura, arte, politica e diritto (secc. XVI-XX) Organized by the Società Storica Pisana May, 26-27  2014 – Palazzo…