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Gender and Anti-Semitism

        Gender and Anti-Semitism Women’s Rights Yesterday and Today April 10 at 5:00 pm The Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America 1161 Amsterdam Avenue Free and…

The Jews of Italy 1848–1915

Elizabeth Schächter, The Jews of Italy 1848–1915 Between Tradition and Transformation,  Vallentine Mitchell, 2011   Much has been written about the Jews during the Fascist regime, but the period from…

Love and the Idea of Europe

        Luisa Passerini, Love and the Idea of Europe, translated by Juliet Haydock with Allan Cameron, New York: Berghahn Books, 2009   Review (Jan Georg Soeffner) When…

This week in New York

        Mauro Perani (University of Bologna) will speak to students and faculty at Columbia University and the Jewish Theological Seminary. Columbia University, Fayerweather Hall, room 513, West…

Tribute to Cesare Colafemmina

Exhibition Pays Tribute to Cesare Colafemmina The Centro di Ricerche e Documentazione sull’Ebraismo nel Mediterraneo “Cesare Colafemmina” [] presents a publication the exhibition “Ketav, Sefer, Miktav. Jewish Culture in Puglia…

Italian Jews in Context

Call for Papers: Italian Jews in Context: Relations, Exchanges, Networks The CUNY Graduate Center and the Columbia University Institute for Israel and Jewish Studies invite proposals for papers to be presented at a conference featuring…