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Like Aeneas

Thirty years ago, I was in the car headed to Munich, Germany. At a crossroads, I took the wrong turn, confusing left, and right as I often do. I continued…

Peter Cole

Hymns & Qualms: An Interview with Peter Cole

Dan Friedman, contributing editor of Sources. Originally published in “Sources: A Journal of Jewish Idea” Fall 2021. Reposted by permission. Image: Kelly Writers House. Peter Cole is one of the…

Piero Dello Strologo (1936-2022)

I met Piero Dello Strologo many years ago in Genova. He was younger than I am today and became the initial inspiration for what, years later, would be established as…

Under Gentile Eyes

Representations of the Jews and Judaism in Medieval and Modern Europe   Edited by Fabrizio Franceschini and Enrico Giaccherini Image: Venice, Esther Scroll, late 18th century, Florence, Jewish Museum   …

Jewish Citizens

The National Museum of Italian Judaism and the Shoah opened its third exhibition entitled Beyond the Ghetto. Inside Out curated by Andreina Contessa, Simonetta Della Seta, Carlotta Ferrara degli Uberti,…