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La iente de Zion

La iente de Zion: a Medieval liturgical poem in Italian vernacular From: Jews, an Italian Story. The First Thousand Years, Electa, 2018, Museo Nazionale dell’Ebraismo Italiano e della Shoah, Ferrara….

Pri Etz Hadar

Written by an unknown author, probably of the school of Itzach Luria in Safed, it was included in the Sefer Ḥemdat Yamim by R’ Yisrael Yakov Ben Yom Tov Algazi…

Like Aeneas

Thirty years ago, I was in the car headed to Munich, Germany. At a crossroads, I took the wrong turn, confusing left, and right as I often do. I continued…

Peter Cole

Hymns & Qualms: An Interview with Peter Cole

Dan Friedman, contributing editor of Sources. Originally published in “Sources: A Journal of Jewish Idea” Fall 2021. Reposted by permission. Image: Kelly Writers House. Peter Cole is one of the…