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A Woman from Rome

Lily Tuck, A Woman from Rome: Elsa Morante, Harper Collins, 2008 Elsa Morante was born in 1912 to an unconventional family of modest means. She grew up with an independent…

The Jews in Mussolini’s Italy

Michele Sarfatti, The Jews in Mussolini’s Italy – From Equality to Persecution, The University of Wisconsin, 2007 Often overshadowed by the persecution of Jews in Germany, the treatment of Jews…

The Jew in the Art of the Italian Renaissance

  Dana Katz, The jew in the Art of the Italian Renaissance, University of Pennsylvania, 2008 Renaissance Italy is often characterized as a place of unusual tolerance and privilege toward…

Writing as Freedom

Sergio Parussa, Writing as Freedom, Writing as Testimony, Four Italian Writers and Judaism, Syracuse University Press,  2008 In Writing as Freedom, Writing as Testimony, Sergio Parussa explores the relationship between…

Jewish Intellectuals in Early Modern Italy

David Ruderman and Giuseppe Veltri (eds.), Cultural Intermediaries: Jewish Intellectuals in Early Modern Italy, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004 Focusing on an epoch of spectacular demographic, political, economic, and cultural…

La trasparenza della parola.

La trasparenza della parola. A multimedia homage to Primo Levi. A conversation with Emilio Jona and Andrea Liberovici by Alessandro Cassin. Primo Levi would have been 90 years old this…