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Hanno storia

Bastava scegliere due nomi a caso, meglio se di sesso diverso, e chiedere a un terzo: «Che c'è stato fra loro? », ed ecco, mi veniva dipanata una splendida sto- ria, poiché ognuno conosceva la storia di tutti.

The Renegade By Ariel Toaff Translated by Cristina Popple On a morning in 1840, a young boy discovers, under an olive tree on the outskirts of Nablus, the body of David Ajash, an Italian rabbi and kabbalist of Algerian origin…

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Internee Number 6 By Maria Eisenstein, Curated by Carlo Spartaco Capogreco Afterword by Eric Feingersh Steele Translated by Will Schutt Published when the war was still raging north of Rome, Internee Number 6 is the first memoir of the fascist…

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