“After Images, The Murder of the Einstein Mazzetti Family: Visual Resonances” Review – The Jerusalem Post
By Abigail Klein Leichman in The Jerusalem Post
By Abigail Klein Leichman in The Jerusalem Post
By Leah Grisham in the Jewish Book Council For many people, the word “Holocaust” summons images of ghettos, forced-labor camps, and mass-murder centers of central and eastern Europe. However, a large number of Jews who lived outside the areas that are…
Lavori al via fra febbraio e marzo: museo della memoria con teatro, una galleria d’arte, un caffè letterario, una sala d’incisione musicale e ancora residenze artistiche, laboratori di danza, teatro, musica e arte, e diventerà una tappa per il turismo lento
New books network podcast episode hosted by Ari Barbalat, featuring CPL Editions author Yehudah Cohn
New books network podcast episode hosted by Ari Barbalat, featuring CPL Editions author Emanuela Trevisan
A program spotlighting the resilient legacy of the Mazzetti sisters, for the International Holocaust Remembrance Day.