
Being anti-fascist today

Giorgio Bocca interviews Primo Levi (1985) Post-war Italian and European societies largely identified anti-Fascism as their foundation.  Today, across Europe this assumption is being challenged.  In an the attempt to…

Hospital Series

Amelia Rosselli’s Serie ospedaliera among the poet’s most haunting, imaginatively intense and formally rigorous collections, has just been published by New Directions as Hospital Series, translated by Deborah Woodard, Roberta…

On Translating Amelia Rosselli

Amelia Rosselli’s experimental approach to poetry and trilingual interweaving have only recently been discovered by readers of English. The daunting challenges of translating her work are only partly responsible for…

“Ci è andata bene,” We Were Lucky

Alessandro Cassin in conversation with Roberto Levi “Compassion and brutality can coexist in the same individual and in the same moment, despite all logic; and for all that, compassion eludes…