
Monumenti per difetto

Adachiara Zevi, Monumenti per difetto: dalle Fosse Ardeatine alle pietre d’inciampo, Donzelli, 2014 The title of this publication announces a short history of monuments “by defect”, but just what sort…

I am counting on you …

Gemma Vitale Servadio, I am Counting on You, on Everyone… Eight Letter from Fossoli, 1944. With essays by Mirella Bedarida Shapiro and Marco Coslovich, CPL Editions Memoirs & Biographies June…

Sixth from 1939

Sixth from 1939 by Marcella Olschki, Keith Bostford (Translator),  The Toby Press 2002. Marcella Olschki, Terza liceo1939,  Milano-Roma, Edizioni Avanti!, 1954, winner of Premio Bagutta 1956, re-issued by Vallecchi, 1981, Sellerio, 1993…

Miracle on 12th Street

Riapre a NY la prima libreria italiana d’America For independent bookstores, New York is a cemetery scattered with crosses: Gotham and Coliseum were gone in the first decade of this…

Michele Sarfatti in Germany

Historian René Moehrle’s reviews Sarfatti’s classic for the German press. When it first appeared in Italian, in 2000, Michele Sarfatti’s Gli ebrei nell’Italia Fascista. Vicende, identità, persecuzione (Einaudi) was instantly…

Giovanni Enriques

Centro Primo Levi congratulates Sandro Gerbi On November 21st, the cultural historian and journalist Sandro Gerbi will be awarded the 2014 Premio Biella—a book prize devoted to the intersections of…

Medieval Salento

The Medieval Salento
: Art and Identity in Southern Italy, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014 Located in the heel of the Italian boot, the Salento region was home to a diverse…

A Legal Examination of Mussolini’s Race Laws

Rutgers Law Prof’s New Book Delivers Comprehensive Legal Examination of Mussolini’s Race Laws Michael Livingstone, The Fascists and the Jews of Italy: Mussolini’s Race Laws, 1938-1943 Cambridge University Press While…

Mediterranean Enlightenment

Mediterranean Enlightenment: Livornese Jews, Tuscan Culture, and Eighteenth-Century Reform, Stanford University Press 2014 The Mediterranean port of Livorno was home to one of the most prominent and privileged Jewish enclaves of…