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Lessons and Legacies XIII

CALL FOR PANEL AND PAPER PROPOSALS   The Thirteenth Biennial Lessons and Legacies Conference, sponsored by the Holocaust Educational Foundation of Northwestern University and by Florida Atlantic University, will consist…

Piazza delle Cinque Scòle

Giacomo Lenghi, Watercolor, 1830 ca., Jewish Museum of Rome The square is named after the building that housed the five synagogues of the Jewish community of Rome from the institution…

Megillat Ester

A beautifully illuminated 18th century Italian scroll from the collection of the Library of Congress

Jews of Southern Europe

Call for Papers: The Jews and the Nation-States of Southeast Europe from 1848 to the Great Depression. International Conference. Department of Humanities, University of Trieste, for 12-13 May 2014 The…

Luigi Dallapiccola and Musical Modernism in Fascist Italy

Ben Earle, Luigi Dallapiccola and Musical Modernism in Fascist Italy, Cambridge University Press, 2013 Luigi Dallapiccola is widely considered a defining figure in twentieth-century Italian musical modernism, whose compositions bear…