
Surviving the Ghetto

Serena di Nepi, Sopravvivere al ghetto. Per una storia sociale della comunità ebraica nella Roma del Cinquecento, Viella, Roma, 2013   Serena di Nepi’s new book presents a vast, all…

The Music of the Jews of Rome

The history of Jewish music in Italy is long, fascinating, and filled with contradictions. Its length is due to the very history of Italian Jewry, whose origins go back more…

Venice and its Minorities

  Before dealing with specific minorities in Venice, it is necessary to clarify what is meant by a minority. As a broad working definition for this essay, I would suggest…

Devising Resistance

Donald J. Trump’s election, inauguration, first appointments, and presidential decrees, have caused extreme disquiet to those who foresee the country drifting toward authoritarianism and a systematic undermining of the democratic…

Yesterday and Today

The way our societies confront the plight of the millions of refugees from various areas of the world escaping famine, ethnic, religious and political persecution, hopelessness and war, will be…

Paper Lives

“My humble request to Your Excellency”. Brief accounts of  life and death in Italy. Based on archival documentation on “foreign Jews” interned by the Fascist Regime. In 1938 the Racial…

Arnaldo Momigliano

On July 22, 1955, the Times Literary Supplement welcomed the appearance of a new scholarly book with an enthusiasm rarely matched in its gray, closely printed pages. Pride of place,…