Illustrations March 26, 2011 Ritual Basin, 18th century ca.., Jewish Museum of Rome Ritual Basin, 18th century ca.., Jewish Museum of Rome, photo by Araldo De Luca Share on: Facebook Twitter Pinterest Google + Previous articleThe Auschwitz Experiment Next articleA Storyteller’s Tale Also of interest April 11, 2016 Inauguration of the Synagogue of Livorno February 27, 2014 Printed Matter February 26, 2014 Piazza delle Cinque Scòle February 26, 2014 Megillat Ester Comments are closed.
Sephardic, North African and Middle Eastern Jewish Communities in North America deadline for submission extended Ira Robinson The deadline has been extended for scholars interested in participating in an international conference sponsored by the Dahan Centre, Bar-Ilan University, and the Institute for Canadian Jewish Studies, Concordia University,…