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‘…li giudei debbano abitar unidi…’

The Birth and Evolution of the Venetian Ghetto (1516-1797) An international conference organized by: The Medici Archive Project
, Beit Venezia – The Venice Center for International Jewish Studies, il Comitato…

From Musa Dagh to Masada

How Franz Werfel’s novel about the Armenian Genocide inspired the Warsaw Ghetto fighters and the Zionist resistance A crowded hotel lobby in Breslau in late 1932. People waited there to…

Italian Jewish Press

An English language portal on the Italian Jewish Press Centro Primo Levi New York with the support of the Cahnman Foundation announces its partnership with the Scuola Normale Superiore di…

The Jewish Archives of Piedmont

A new collaborative website offer access to the Jewish archives of Piedmont. This rich and well presented resource weaves together historical literature with a vast collection of digitized documents narrating…

Archival Records of Italian Jewry

The Central Archives for the History of Jewish People (CAHJP) at the National Library of Israel put online new sources concerning the Jewish communities of many Italian cities including Asti,…