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Tribute to Cesare Colafemmina

Exhibition Pays Tribute to Cesare Colafemmina The Centro di Ricerche e Documentazione sull’Ebraismo nel Mediterraneo “Cesare Colafemmina” [] presents a publication the exhibition “Ketav, Sefer, Miktav. Jewish Culture in Puglia…

Italian Jews in Context

Call for Papers: Italian Jews in Context: Relations, Exchanges, Networks The CUNY Graduate Center and the Columbia University Institute for Israel and Jewish Studies invite proposals for papers to be presented at a conference featuring…

Homens da Nação

Homens da Nação: the « Portuguese » of Livorno and Tunis From a very young age, I knew I was a Livornese, but I only went to Livorno for the first time…


DELASEM. The Unhailed Organization That Assisted Thousands of Jewish Refugees. Interview by Alessandro Cassin From Hitler’s raise to power in 1933 up to the early 1940’s, Italy was one of…

Purim and Kippurim

        Courtesy The feast of Purim commemorates an event which took place 2500 years ago in Persia, during the reign of Assuero.  The Book of Esther…

Listening to Silence

Visiting the Peace Memorial Park in Hiroshima, one is struck by the silence. It is not real silence, after all the birds go about their business and so do the…