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Memory Buried

Memory Buried: In Search of Mussolini’s Camps   Interview by Alessandro Cassin Carlo Spartaco Capogreco is a professor at the Università della Calabria and president of Fondazione Ferramonti, which is…

The Language of Testimony

The Language of Testimony:  a Conversation with Manuela Consonni by Alessandro Cassin Manuela Consonni is head of the Department of Italian Studies and the Romance and Latin American Studies section…

The People of the Book

The People of the Book and Their Books: Ferrara Celebrates Jewish Continuity and Book Publishing in Italy Alessandro Cassin interviews Riccardo Calimani The first edition of the Italian Jewish Book…

Jews and the Present of the Past

        Jews and the Present of the Past: A Retrospective Look at the the ‘Symbolic and Ethnic Other’ Manuela Consonni (Hebrew University) introduces Kenneth Stow (University of…

Giovanni Palatucci

        Giovanni Palatucci Between History and Hagiography Alessandro Cassin interviews Marco Coslovich Of the trends that have characterized the debate on the Shoah in Italy the one…

Roman Jews Welcome the Pope

Once again Roman Jews Welcome the Pope: A surprise exhibition welcomes Benedict XVI to the Jewish Museum of Rome Interview with Daniela Di Castro, Director of the Jewish Museum of Rome…