
Italy’s unique form of Judaism

Italy’s unique form of Judaism bows to Israeli Orthodoxy Young rabbis educated abroad, with a stricter and less worldly approach, are replacing the old guard epitomized by Rome’s powerful Rabbi…

The Auschwitz Report

Auschwitz Report Paperback, Verso; Reprint edition (March 3, 2015) Among the first written accounts of the concentration camps—a major literary and historical discovery. While in a Russian-administered holding camp in…

The Pope Who Tried

During the past fifty years, most of the debate on the Catholic Church’s relationship with fascism has focused on the wartime period and the Vatican’s response to the Holocaust. Did…

Italian Jewish Culture in Denver

The culture of Italian Jewry is unlike any other Jewish culture in the world.  Their history goes back more than 2000 years to before the first exile from Jerusalem after…

The Nação in the Eternal City

James Nelson Novoa, Being the Nação in the Eternal City: New Christian Lives in Sixteenth-Century Rome (Peterborough, Ontario: Baywolf Press, 2014) James Nelson Novoa’s Being the Nação in the Eternal…

Monumenti per difetto

Adachiara Zevi, Monumenti per difetto: dalle Fosse Ardeatine alle pietre d’inciampo, Donzelli, 2014 The title of this publication announces a short history of monuments “by defect”, but just what sort…

Sixty Years Fighting Oblivion

The Center for Contemporary Jewish Documentation in Milan In a collection of essays published by Yad Vashem in 2009, David Bankier and Dan Michman devote one chapter to the simultaneous…