
A Virtual Tour

A Virtual Tour of the Jewish Museum of Rome The newly designed portal of the Union of the Italian Jewish Communities ( offers access to different sectors of communal institutions…

From the Front of the Great War

Letters from Italian Jewish soldiers in World War I – who would die in the Holocaust The Anticolis, for instance, had 13 children, of whom four would fight in WWI:…

Virtual Ghetto

A New Attraction at the Jewish Museum of Rome: A Virtual Tour of the Ghetto in the Middle Ages. Pope Paul created the ghetto in 1555 to keep the Jews…


A Jewish Ghetto Worth Saving. The ghetto that trapped Venice’s Jews is getting a renovation after 500 years Something like Venice no one can do. Only God. The greatest achievement for…

Italy’s unique form of Judaism

Italy’s unique form of Judaism bows to Israeli Orthodoxy Young rabbis educated abroad, with a stricter and less worldly approach, are replacing the old guard epitomized by Rome’s powerful Rabbi…

The Auschwitz Report

Auschwitz Report Paperback, Verso; Reprint edition (March 3, 2015) Among the first written accounts of the concentration camps—a major literary and historical discovery. While in a Russian-administered holding camp in…

The Pope Who Tried

During the past fifty years, most of the debate on the Catholic Church’s relationship with fascism has focused on the wartime period and the Vatican’s response to the Holocaust. Did…

Italian Jewish Culture in Denver

The culture of Italian Jewry is unlike any other Jewish culture in the world.  Their history goes back more than 2000 years to before the first exile from Jerusalem after…