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Portico d’Ottavia 13

Anna Foa, Portico d’Ottavia 13: Una casa del ghetto nel lungo inverno del ’4, Laterza 2014 Review by Andrea Grover Anna Foa’s , Portico D’Ottavia 13:  Una casa del ghetto…

Devoto’s Oral Archive (1987-1989)

Tuscan Memories of the Nazi Deportation: Devoto’s Oral Archive (1987-1989) Andrea Devoto (1927-1994) was an Italian psychologist, a professor of Social Psychology and the director of the Ospedale Psichiatrico in Maggiano (Lucca) and the Ospedale Psichiatrico San Salvi in Florence. At the…

Hearing Jewish

Hearing Jewish, Writing Italian  Reconsidering the Written Sources of Italian Jewish Music The earliest historical sources that document the development of Jewish musical culture in Italy are a series of…

Lezione Primo Levi 2014

        Raccontare la Storia: Anna Bravo delivers the fifth annual Primo Levi lecture. The Centro Internazionale di Studi Primo Levi in Turin presents the fifth Primo Levi…