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Conversation with Lia Levi

  Alessandro Cassin Lia Levi’s new novel, The Jewish Husband, Europa Editions, 2009 provides a poignant reflection on the far-reaching consequences of Mussolini’s anti-Jewish legislation of 1938. The novel illustrates…

Jewish Dogs

Kenneth Stow, Jewish Dogs,  Stanford University Press, 2006 Jewish Dogs is not a study of “anti-Semitism” or “anti-Judaism.” Instead, this book argues that to anchor claims of supersession, Catholics have…

Jewish Life in Early Modern Rome

Kenneth Stow, Jewish Life in Early Modern Rome, Ashgate, 2007 The essays in this second volume by Kenneth Stow explore the fate of Jews living in Rome, directly under the…

The Chief Rabbi, the Pope, and the Holocaust

Robert Weisbord, Wallace Sillanpoa, The Chief Rabbi, the Pope, and the Holocaust, Transaction Publishers, 1991 In February 1945, Israele Zolli, chief rabbi of Rome’s ancient Jewish community, shocked his co-religionists…

U.S. Intelligence and the Nazis

Richard Breitman, Norman J.W. Goda, Timothy Naftali, U.S. Intelligence and the Nazis, Cambridge University Press,  2004 This book is a direct result of the 1998 Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act….

Disciplining the Holocaust

Karyn Ball, Disciplining the Holocaust. Insinuations: Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, Literature, SUNY Press, 2008 Disciplining the Holocaust is a brave, multileveled, and important intervention that presages a new type of historical meditation,…