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Jews in Italy, 1922-1945

Joshua Zimmerman, Jews in Italy under Fascist and Nazi rule, 1922-1945, Cambridge University Press, 2005 “Zimmerman’s edited collection offers a valuable overview of the new historical scholarship on the racial…

The Former Jews of This Kingdom

Nadia Zeldes, The Former Jews of This Kingdom: Sicilian Converts After the Expulsion, 1492-1516, Brill Academic,  2003 This book examines the presence of the converted Jews in Sicily following the…

A Fortunate Jew

Vittorio Dan Segre, Memoirs of a Fortunate Jew: An Italian Story, University of Chicago Press, 2008 (1st ed. 1987) John Gross, The New York Times ‘I NEVER entered into the…

The Port Jews of Habsburg Trieste

Lois C. Dubin, The Port Jews of Habsburg Trieste: Absolutist Politics and Enlightenment Culture, Stanford University Press, 1999 ‘Dubin’s brilliant study of the cosmopolitan entrepôt of goods and peoples that…

Inside the Gas Chambers

Shlomo Venezia, Inside the Gas Chambers: Eight Months in the Sonderkommando of Auschwitz, Polity, 2009 This is a unique, eye-witness account of everyday life right at the heart of the…