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Philip Roth Interviews Primo Levi

We would like to remember Philip Roth (1933-2018) —in addition to his extraordinary literary production— for his pivotal role in introducing Primo Levi to the English-speaking world.  In this essay,…

The Doctored ‘Memoir’ of Edgardo Mortara

The Doctored ‘Memoir’ of a Jewish Boy Kidnapped by the Vatican Edgardo Mortara’s autobiography is roiling Catholic-Jewish relations—based on the false assumption that the text is accurate.  After a century…

Survival and Holocaust Historiography

Liliana Picciotto’s new book, Salvarsi (Einaudi 2017), stems from a research project she lead for the Center for Contemporary Jewish Documentation in Milan, and represents a radical innovation in Holocaust…

Being anti-fascist today

Giorgio Bocca interviews Primo Levi (1985) Post-war Italian and European societies largely identified anti-Fascism as their foundation.  Today, across Europe this assumption is being challenged.  In an the attempt to…

A Thousand Years Deep: Early Jewish Life in Italy

The national museum dedicated to the history of Italian Jews inaugurates its first exhibition. On November 14, 1943, eleven citizens of Ferrara were incarcerated in the prison of Via Piangipane….